Are you kidding me??!! Its mid-august already??!!!!
I guess that's a good sign that I did not notice my time flying by :) Makes me think.. am already past half the year and yet, there is not a single thing on my "New Year Resolution list" that I have accomplished... (not that I remember what was on the list anyway) ;).
I haven't been able to update my blog much coz.. honestly, nothing has inspired me so much that I want to write about it.
Anyways, a recent conversation with a close friend involved a lot of gratefulness and thank yous for all the "help" I did.. and that made me wonder.. what is it exactly that am being thanked for???!!!.. You see friends going through their low phases in life.. and all you do really is tell them that, it will all be ok.. this too shall pass.. chin up.. hang in there.. and I guess everything and anything that could get them through that day. End of the day, its just "words" that you can offer to make someone feel better or worse at any given time. Honestly, it does not quantify to anything. Its not like, if you see someone in pain, you would laugh and celebrate it.. Ofcourse you'd empathize and/or sympathize with them.. they are your friends after all.. why wouldn't anyone do the least they can...??!!
Am I abnormal to feel weird and strange to be thanked for something I don't see the big deal in? Reminds me of this old and gone band called Boyzone and this one brilliant song " Words"...
I never did realize that, just words..and only words can touch someone from the inside. Its gratifying to know that, few genuine words can make a person smile and forget that they are having a bad day.. I have heard people tell me before, that am good with my words..but I just thought that was something polite you say to people.. I mean, common!!! would you actually go and tell someone.. you are horrible with your words.. you don't speak well or whatever...
Well, my point being.. Its amazing how much few words can do to make a day better or worse.. so look around you and try being randomly nice to someone.. If you know you have the power to make someone's day better.. maybe its time you put it to good use....
My guess: A lot of people could use it :)
Cheers.. :)
P.S : Let me know if you brought a smile to someone's face :)