Thursday, April 04, 2013

My woes with the elusive "Gym"

I am praying desperately that I am not alone here. I think I am an excellent planner..when it comes to making plans. I plan out my food diary, my calorie count, my workout regime, my wake up alarm, my bedtime, my target goals (realistic ones) and almost everything that would make it sound like am on top of it. But this is how its been for the last two months. my alarm goes off in the morning.. and I put it on snooze with my damn "5 mins" concept..5 mins later... I keep rounding off the time.. like if its 7.12AM, I decide to round it off to 7.15 and wake up then. When it's 7.17 after that, I decide to push it to 7.30 obviously.. and then am late for work and my "healthy" breakfast plans get flushed down the toilet..and I grab a coffee instead..

I think my lunch is the only meal in the day that I stay on plan.. mostly because it does not involve any cooking.. having a salad is more out of convenience than trying to be careful about what I put in my mouth. A plate full of salad and a fruit.. and suddenly I am so proud of myself for being such a good girl :). The one thing about salads and fruits.. they go away pretty fast and in about an hour or two you are hungry as hell. Maybe that's when I should grab a snack and be done with it.. but do I?? Ofcourse not! I convince myself that its just a couple of hours and i'll be done with work.. and I can go home and cook something nice and have that instead. Do I??...hahaha.. wait for it.. 

Past 5.00PM, I can literally hear my stomach growling.. and I mean literally. When I was much more stupid than I am today, I used to think no one else could hear it except me.... Embarrassingly, that was not true at all....On my way back home, I remember about going to the damn gym, check the gym schedule and decide that I can grab a quick bite and still make it to the 6.30PM class... Do I? 

Cooking for me, especially if I have to cook just for one person, is the biggest, most boring, most annoying chore of the day. With America trying to make things easy for me and having a fast food joint at every corner, I just grab something at Chipotle or Panera bread instead. Let me tell you right now, they are not as healthy as they claim (Do they even claim that??...Whatever!).. Devouring my sandwich or whatever the hell I just bought, I catch up with some show on Netflix.. Don't you just hate it when they end an episode with this huge suspense and now you just HAVE to find out what happens next?..and the one after that.. and the one after that.. After losing a bunch of time, I remember about my plans to go to the damn gym!! This is the most crucial part of my day.. This is when, I promise.. PROMISE...myself that I am going to wake up first thing in the morning and walk straight to the gym... and start my day on that note.. Do I?? (Go back to the beginning of the page and read again!)

I hate it... I hate being lazy, I hate being a slob, I hate the damn pounds that catch up so fast, I hate all those skinny people who don't worry about one damn thing and stay skinny, I hate being such a couch potato and most of all I hate being told what to do about it!! (I am not a hater though ;))

All that said and done.. I need to sit down and make some SERIOUS changes to my life.. Being tired  or hating to wake up mornings is no good reason to be such a colossal bum. I'll keep you posted.. 
