Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Experience called Lexus :)

It was last year when I finally owned my very own car.. all by myself.. no daddy dear or mommy dear to pour out their saving on me.. and no rich boyfriend or husband to pamper/spoil me.. ALL BY MYSELF... It was an antique '94 Geo Prizm. It was my first baby.. and the feeling was so over-whelming. If you look at it from a normal perspective, it was neither a good buy nor a good car.. but it was MINE.. and honestly, it made me feel more in control of my life than anything ever has :) 

So, if that was my passion for my car.. one can only imagine how heartbroken I was when it died on me.. in the middle of peak traffic on a highway.. scary.. yea... heartbroken.. HELL YEA!.. So, there started my car hunt for a more reliable car. Although it might sound funny to the ear.. car hunting was NOT fun at all.. NO.. not because car dealers are a pain in the ass or because all the banks were after the money I din't have.. but just because I carried around this guilt that I was leaving my baby Geo behind :(

After all futile attempts to fall in love again.. I stepped into this structure called The Lexus... and man... what an experience it was.. Once inside the car and on the road.. its like.. you are in your own bubble.. your own world.. sitting on the most comfortable leather couch, cruising through the clouds and watching the world trying to catch up with you.. Its not beautiful.. It is MAGNIFICENT  :)

People turning their heads to give me and my car a second look is not really new to me.. Geo made a lot of heads turn.. mostly with faces that had an expression of shock that such a car was on the road.. faces with expressions of anger and frustration because Geo wouldn't go any faster so they could pass by.. and now.. I see the same heads turn again.. with faces in Awe :) :)

The Lexus demands respect.. and honestly it deserves every bit of it.. and am glad everyone on the road are generous with it ;)

All in all... a Lexus entered my life and turned it around.. My first baby is always going to be my first love.. but  my lexus.. well.. that's the one am getting married to ;)

Lexus is no car I say.. it's an experience.. an experience worth having :).. and here's a sneak peak :D



  1. "mostly with faces that had an expression of shock that such a car was on the road"... made me laugh, Thanks!

  2. hahaha.. am still trying to get used to it :)
