Monday, October 23, 2006

Me and Writing!?!

Its been a while I must admit, since I have penned what I want! Ofcourse Sid was behind my life at one point of time, asking to start.....I tell way toooooo lazy to start something just like that. Its always a starting problem for me, need a kick start!
Sid, now that I have started, I'll try not to be too philosophical. There was small poet inside me at one point. Will have to search for her. So, its not a BANG start..But with me..I would always take it slow!!..

Anyways, about me...I am Niriha Kadambi(very unusual name but I've not loved anything more!), Tamil iyengar(If there are bachelor's around ;)), finished my Bachelors in Technology (did not bribe a soul!!), presently busy thinking what i should be doing! I am couple of kilos over weight and every morning tell myself that From Today am Dieting!!..and somehow end up telling myself the same next morning too! As of now pursuing my Masters in Technology at JNTU-Hyderabad in Geo-Informatics and surveying Technology and also waiting for some better options!

Now, that the "Professional" thing is done with, I am a girl with supposedly good eyes and a lively smile,loads of attitude and arrogance. Confused over small things in life, always live in the fear of loosing my very dear ones,go out of my way to do things for people i love,very particular that my guy should be treat me like a princess (as of now, my guy is not so sure he wants to!), superstitious about few things(evil eye, someone sneezing when am going somewhere, gifting of pens and kerchiefs etc etc),and most importantly am not such a bad girl :)

I love Swimming, gossiping at times ;), talking, watching movies and dreaming! I do not don many accessories except my mobile and watches(am crazy about them). I am a simple complicated girl and always have some issue or the other to deal with.

I am known for my love for home made dosas. In college, there is this big joke about it that i would probably write off my property to anyone who feeds me enough of these!
I guess that's a decent brief up on me!..Will keep blogging!


  1. You have got into it late , so i guess you will be around for a while ;).Dont b like me better than once in six months.Most things here I already know so i'll b waiting for more.Cheers


  2. sure siddy! U will get so much that u cant

  3. we will see abt that... wont we?

  4. hello crazygal (this is how i linked u on my blog :P)

    firstly welcome...good to see u here!heard a lot abt the artist in u...when she wakes me :)

  5. Dosas, i thght u liked the ones on the road side more :P
    I had my first ever road side (bandi dosa, as u call it) with you....enjoyed it thoroughly thgh :)

    Game for doing it in dec?

  6. u bet sherry...this time i'll try n cook somthing for u...and obviously better than wat u call cooking!! :P

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