Friday, October 27, 2006

Isnt too late!

To you my love,

Its been a while i agree, since i have looked at you in your eye,
Its been a while i agree, since i have talked so much that you doze by,
Its been a while i agree, since i have cuddled up in your arms and fell asleep,
Its been a while i agree, since i have walked along with you arm in arm,
Its been a while i agree, since i felt you just a breath away from me,
Its been a while i agree, since i laughed till tears came rolling down,
Its been a while i agree, since i sat and shared my most cherished dreams,
Its been a while i agree, since i played like a kid and fought over the fouls,

Its been a while i agree, since i begged you to cook and not compliment it,
Its been a while i agree, since i stood beside you and got teased about how short i am,
Its been a while i agree, since i blushed blankly into space remembering the kiss you left by,
Its been a while i agree, since i talked to myself assuming it was you,
Its been a while i agree, since i cried in your arms because i was scared i might loose you,
Its been a while i agree, since i ruined your long planned surprises for me,
Its been a while i agree, since i made you feel so special that you could cry,
Its been a while i agree, since i told you that nothing in this world matters to me,more than you,
Its been a while i agree, since i felt you kiss me so softly that i thought i might break,
Its been a while i agree, since i surrendered myself so much to you that i forget myself,
Its been a while i agree, since i made love to you and felt the whole world culminate into me,
Its been a while i agree, since i told you how much i miss you,

But today i realise no matter how far away you go, how impossible i get, how busy you are, its never too late for me to tell I LOVE YOU...

1 comment:

  1. Although its your first comment from me about ur philosophy of life, there are going to be thousands of admirers around when they read this..You have a gift ,no doubt about it.And I hope you get the dream lover your wanting for.You have all my hearty wishes always.keep blogging.
    Its a good start.
