Thursday, October 28, 2010

Confessions of a lazy person working out

It's been a day since I joined the very talked about new thing in town - Bootcamp!

People told me its not something for me, its hard, there is no way I would survive it.. etc etc.. and given that I am human, ofcourse it got me curious.. what the hell is all the jazz about bootcamp.. why is everyone making such a big deal abt it...and why on earth would "I" not survive it??! So, yes... I went there, flashed my credit card, and got registered for the 12 sessions.

Tina, was real sweet. She told me that its a joke, as to how people are filled with all these opinions about bootcamp being hard and rough and not for ones like me (read as - fat and lazy and someone who loves pizzas).

So finally the D-Day was here (yesterday) and I made it to my first session :). I was proud of myself that after working all day, I was still committed enough to drive for 30mins just to get a workout (which according to Tina.. is no big deal really!)...

The class was about bootcamp with boxing training.. I laughed to myself and thought..boxing!!..haha that should be easy.. after all I am big/huge/fat/whatever..I will be able to punch the living crap out of anything..

One hour later.. I was literally on the floor, struggling to breathe, sweating like a pig and pink in the face (for someone with a tanned skin tone like me.. pink usually doesn't show.. "usually")..cramps in my stomach and tears in my eyes...It hit me then, as to why the name bootcamp sounded familiar! I heard it previously, in context to military and the basic training they make the candidates go through!! I looked for Tina.. hmm.. for a long time..

The instructor told me that since it was first intensive workout class, I "might" be a little sore later.. but "it's no big deal".. it happens all the time..

For some reason, the same 30 min drive back home seemed like it took forever..

Almost 24 hrs after my first session, here I am.. unable to lift a coffee cup or write without cribbing about how my muscles hurt and how much pain I am under..and yet I find myself looking forward to my next session tonight! I was pretty sure last night, that I would walk up to Tina, and ask her for my money back..This was not what I signed up for!.... but what the hell.. this is really the first time, that someone has pushed me to my limits (physically).. and somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember the saying - No pain, no gain.. Sounds great on paper and in my head.. I am only 1 session down.. 11 more to go...

So, heres to me.. and my sincere effort (so far) to make a difference for myself (Yes, am selfish.. who's not! ;) )..


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