Monday, December 13, 2010

Post Bootcamp

First of, I really did not think anyone was reading all my jabber.. and yesterday someone actually asked me why I haven't updated my blog :)..So.. here it is...

I did it.. I made it to all my bootcamp classes and walked out slightly leaner and lot wiser. Honestly, the major thing that bootcamp did for me is that it gave me the confidence that even I can do it. Its possible.. I can make it happen and that's what am going to stick to. For a person as lazy as myself, imagining working out as part of my routine was hilarious. But then, all it takes is that one FIRST step towards what you want.. and things begin to happen like magic. 

With the help of a very undeterred friend, I managed to find a diet that works for me..and with the help of my lovely credit card I managed to find a gym that will help me burn my love handles :). The one thing I managed to do all by myself was to "accept" the fact that I am wayyy over my ideal weight and that it was unacceptable. 

NO, its not ok to look double my age..NO, its not ok to weight as much as I want when I am beautiful from within.. and NO, its not ok to believe that its too late to do anything about it. I can not allow my busy schedule, or lack of time or anything else for that matter to be an excuse for not taking my first step. Like my friend said.. Trying to do it and doing it are two different things...and I am determined to do it!

I made myself a milestone.. to weigh 7-8lbs lighter in 11 days.. and YES its possible. I have taken it upon myself  to control my urge to indulge and move my ass to the gym despite the cold weather. Starting today, I am going to dedicate 2hrs of my time at the gym, either mornings, evenings or both (if I have to).. and I am hell bent upon looking like a 1000 bucks (to start with..)  :)

This post feels more like a pledge to me than anything else... lol..

Either ways.. my calender is marked for December 23rd and I am going to kill, if I have to keep up the promise I made to myself... and yeah now that am posting it on a public blog.. am pretty sure.. I am going to do everything to save my face as well ;)

Here's to a million possibilities..

Cheers :)

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