Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just Not Enough!

I was beginning to wonder my self when I would go to my next class. Because of the over-whelming response to bootcamp.. almost all classes last week were over booked and I got into only one.. :( I got wiser this week and made reservations for all my classes :)

6 classes later my weight loss is really not as remarkable as I had hoped for and honestly, I am to blame for that. I had an out of the world weekend, less than considerable workout last week and more than required cravings. Sometimes I wonder, why having control over your own self and your cravings is sooo difficult.. but I guess in theory that's just the sign of a weak mind.. and in reality.. thats just human.. My workout for the last two days was remarkable. I can see how much I changed (not in terms of lbs... though). I can run a little longer before am gasping for breath, I can enjoy the aching muscles without cribbing, I can walk by a place with Indian food aroma and not give in, I can buy donuts and cupcakes for work and not have any.. I'd like to think.. thats considerable.. 

Honestly, seeing the way I was sweating my way through bootcamp, I really thought weight loss was going to be much faster than it is now.. Its disappointing to see my body, being a total bum about it. I was watching this show "The biggest Loser" last night and was shocked to see how much people achieved. 100lbs lighter in 8 weeks.. thats unbelievable.. but true.. It was inspiring to see people who weighed beyond imagination.. and at a age of 43-45 to have that kind of a will power. I'd like to think that its easier for me and less strenuous for me to achieve a target.. but that just sounds like am going easy on myself. 

I happen to realize that... the amount of work I am putting in with bootcamp and the diet regulations I have made is just not enough. It took me 25yrs to get to where I am... and although I wish the results showed overnight.. its not going to happen. On that note, I went and flashed my credit card at the closest YMCA here. One hour workout at bootcamp.... at the end of which I walk out with a sweaty shirt and a feeling that it was an awesome workout.. is just not enough.. I need to do more to weigh less. Its been a disappointing week for me to know that whatever I thought was remarkable.. was just not enough. 

For all those of you, who are struggling with their weight.. hang in there.. picture abhi baaki hai :)
Here's an article I thought was interesting, if you are thinking the way I am.. 

Cheers :)

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