Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Three is a crowd

Third day at bootcamp :) I think with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.. almost everyone in town has gotten health conscious.. Wasn't fun to watch a huge crowd panting and sweating.. kinda grose infact. Either ways, the session was a real good one.. I am getting a grip over my own body and how far I can push myself without an injury. I am loving it :) 

Piece of free advise to those who want to check-in for such workouts.. you'd rather want to prepare yourself a little before this jump start. A simple jog for 10 mins a day would also do the trick. If you are more an indoor person... try spot jogging/running in your room or even better walk up and down the stairs couple of times a day.  You end up being sore a little bit but atleast your body knows what to expect. For most people, I would assume the most difficult part is to get started.. and then things happen like a charm and so is the case with me.. I think this is where the whole determination part fits in.. you have to "want" to do it.. or you'll just end up quitting the next chance you get. 

So three sessions later, I went and bought a new pair of jeans :) Am down a size.. and god it feels good :) Although, I must wasn't all the bootcamp that did the magic, I had to and still am watching what I eat very carefully. Its important. Apparently, it takes 3500 burnt calories to lose one pound.. so it goes without saying that you want to.. have to.. get to the 3500 mark despite your usual diet. 

Well, end of the day.. I am a size down and am thrilled.. :) and that is all that matters.

Happy Diwali :)


  1. Yay.... one size down.. CONGRATS!!!

  2. Good going...keep it up.push urself harder..while working time imagine urself in an outfit that make u look soo good if ur thin..things like this push u that extra bit..good luck :)

  3. heyyy .... gr8 .... one size down... keep it going..
